PC10-MONO街道版十活塞卡钳塞卡钳 | PC10-MONO街道版十活塞卡钳 |
卡钳工艺: 一体锻造 | 卡钳工艺: 一体锻造 |
活塞数量: 十活塞 | 活塞数量: 四活塞 |
适配轮毂: 20寸以上(含20寸) | 适配轮毂: 20寸以上(含20寸) |
卡钳颜色: 橙/红/黄/黑/银 | 卡钳颜色: 橙/红/黄/黑/银 |
轮毂尺寸(英寸): 刹车碟规格(mm): | 轮毂尺寸(英寸): 刹车碟规格(mm): |
20寸及以上 402X40 21寸及以上 420X40 | 20寸及以上 390X32 21寸及以上 410X32 |
INSPEEDPC 系列卡钳是 INSPEED 的全新力作,定位高端系列,卡钳本体采用 MONO一体锻造工艺,搭配专业的轻量化设计,PC10 重量仅为 6.3kg,搭配碳陶刹车碟轻量化更加出色,有效提升响应,改善操控。PC10 活塞总面积为56cm,可以广泛适配各类车型,实现更灵活的刹车响应,更线性的刹车脚感。
The new pattern design increases braking friction and effectively reduces power frequency noise. The unique patented design of 72 ventilated vanes provides more efficient cooling effect.
The carbon content is as high as 3.83%, and metal elements such as silicon and manganese are added to improve the fatigue resistance and wear resistance Heat treatment removes internal stress, reduces distortion and vibration.
In order to get the best performance and comfort from brake system. INSPEED choose low metal formula with silicon carbide, alumina and other available friction materials to prevent judder or break squeal.
Rigorous LINK testing, simulating a variety of extreme environments, INSPEED PAD represents excellent initial performance, high temperature performance, more stable under continuous braking.
INS-10 series friction μ 0.38-0.43, Temperature 0-500 degrees centigrade
INS-20 series friction μ 0.38-0.47, Temperature 0-800 degrees centigrade
Manufactured by HEL Performance , HEL stainless steel brake line are certified:
CNC machined Aviation alum bells and steel brackets.
H-Bobbin rotor attachment complete hardware kit for floating 2-piece rotors. Corrosion resistant, allows secure mounting, and smooth expansion and contraction throughout heat cycles
@Inspeed Brakes
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